Thursday, July 10, 2008

Analects for the Filipinos

If you would be asked to give 5 Analects for the Filipinos, what would they be?

Here are my own Analects for the Filipinos:

1. Government officials should learn how to SERVE, not to be served.
2. For those in media, do not wash your dirty linen in public.
3. More than holding strikes and protests against the government, concentrate on how we can concretely contribute to the betterment of our people like participating in Pondo ng Pinoy.
4. Live simply to live free from anxiety. Eliminate the material things that you can really live without.
5. Ideally, rules are made to be followed.



Tricia said...

These are my 5 analects for the Filipinos.

We Filipinos should:

1. Put God above all our other priorities so we can become simple in words and actions and with material posessions.

2. Think of others before ourselves when we make decisions because our actions always affect others.

3. Act towards challenges instead of wasting time and energy on complaining.

4. See the goodness in others (even if, sometimes, doing so is difficult).

5. Use what we have been given for God's glory and share these gifts with others.

-- Tricia R. II-4

Anonymous said...

my 5 analects for the Filipinos are:

~ Learn to see the good side of our own country.

~ Learn to appreciate and take care of our surroundings and not make it look like a place for trash.

~ See the positive side of things. Hardships and problems may come but these things help us become a better person.

~ We should act first before blaming others for the wrong things that are happening.

~ Learn to embrace the goodness of being a true Filipino.

--> Pauline C. II-1

Sara Alarcon said...

My 5 Analects for the Filipinos.

~ Think of others before yourself.

~ Don't depend too much on material things because these material things are not permanent.

~ Follow the rules and regulations of the country to maintain order.

~ Forgive people even if it's hard.

~ Accept people for who they are. Don't discriminate people because there's something bad about them.

~~> Sara A. II - 4

Bea L. said...

- respect the elderly
- let go be the center of your life not money
- make more good analects

Anonymous said...

My 5 analects are:
1) Faith: To believe in God and to place Him above all things. :) It all goes down from there.

2) Service: To know that we must serve others to the best of our abilities, regardless of whether we are elected leaders or not.

3) Gratitude: To be thankful for every small blessing we have each day.

4) Appreciation: To commend others on their kind acts, and to appreciate the beauty of the world and the beings that occupy it.

5) Equality and Respect: To remember that we are all equal, and that every human being commands respect. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you, just like Confucius said. :)

Carmela Moran said...

(Carmela Moran; using my mom's account)

Here are my five analects for the Filipinos:

We should...

1. Use our God-given abilities to help make our country a better place. Keeping it to ourselves will not do us any good.

2. Learn to concentrate on the positive outlooks of our country instead of brooding on our national crises over and over and over again.

3. Make sacrifices for others who may need to hold onto our hands for survival.

4. Learn the value of DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONTROL so that we can prevent commotions in our country.

5. Learn how to cooperate with the government and refrain from opposing with their planned projects which always causes trouble to our country.

leng said...

1. Give their BEST always, not what is left of them.
2. Pray before doing anything.
3. Cope through challenges in life
4. Think what the things you do, do to others but not it would do to you.
5. Don't have too much PRIDE.

--ellaine bernardino of II-3