Wednesday, October 15, 2008


If God will be one of the judges present during Antonio's trial, how would he judge the situation?

Personally, I think God will not allow Antonio to let Shylock be converted to Christianity because his religion gives him a higher purpose in life, more than his possessions. Maybe God will just ask him to have regular counsel with a rabbi so that he would truly live up to the teachings of his religion. I think he will also confiscate maybe only half of his possessions to teach him to reflect about what is really important in life.

What do you think?


PoisonedRose said...

Yes, I think God wouldn't let Shylock be converted into Christianity. That makes Him seem a little biased. And yes, he would've let Shylock spend the rest of his days w/ a rabbi to teach him Philosophy or something.

If God were to judge the case, in my opinion, he would've felt sad seeing how money [which is the root cause of how the problem started in the first case] destroys such relationships and teaches us avarice and how we cling possessively to material things. Like Shylock is so into the debt and how he would kill [demanding Antonio's pound of flesh] in order to get money. The same thing goes for us - this shows us that man will not hesitate to dive in to the deepest, most desperate measures in order to achieve what he greedily wants - money.

~jeline II-2

Tricia said...

I think God would make Shylock give up all of his possessions except the basic necessities(shelter, food, clothes, and a small amount of money to buy other necessities). He (Shylock) would also have daily counseling with a rabbi.

Anonymous said...

I don't think God would even get half of his possessions. Instead, the whole scandalous incident would serve as a lesson to Shylock.

As Mother Teresa said, help a Christian be a good Christian, and a Jew be a good Jew. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with billy99. God gave us, humans, to choose whatever we do in our lives. That is what we call His love for us, right?
In converting Shylock into a Christian is also a good point because in that way, he (Shylock) will have a chance to experience God's love for him.

~ Escalada, R. II - 4

disguised as an angel said...

personally, i think that God would let Shylock think about it first and decide what punishment to give him. He would give Shylock the freedom to reflect from what he had done. He would maybe not confiscate all his belongings since they're the only ones the "love" Shylock. Since he is a God, he would feel that Shylock is all alone. even his beloved daughter, jessica, left him... I don't think God would decide that Shylock should be baptized as a Christian because there are different aspects in Religion. He wouldn't force someone to be converted to a Christian because of a certain mistake. I know that God will give him the freedom, not just any freedom but a rightful and just freedom to let Shylock choose if he be a Christian or a Jew instead.

Louise Lim II-2

disguised as an angel said...

personally, i think that God would let Shylock think about it first and decide what punishment to give him. He would give Shylock the freedom to reflect from what he had done. He would maybe not confiscate all his belongings since they're the only ones the "love" Shylock. Since he is a God, he would feel that Shylock is all alone. even his beloved daughter, jessica, left him... I don't think God would decide that Shylock should be baptized as a Christian because there are different aspects in Religion. He wouldn't force someone to be converted to a Christian because of a certain mistake. I know that God will give him the freedom, not just any freedom but a rightful and just freedom to let Shylock choose if he be a Christian or a Jew instead.

Louise Lim II-2